Movies Detail of Soundtrack to Sixteen (2020)
✓ Title : Soundtrack to Sixteen
✓ Release Date : March 14th, 2020
✓ Genres : Comedy, Romance
✓ Runtime : 83 minutes
✓ Director : Hillary Shakespeare
✓ Writer : Anna-Elizabeth Shakespeare
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Jack Boal, Scarlett Marshall, Jamal Hadjkura, James Calloway, Sean Micallef
✓ Release Date : March 14th, 2020
✓ Genres : Comedy, Romance
✓ Runtime : 83 minutes
✓ Director : Hillary Shakespeare
✓ Writer : Anna-Elizabeth Shakespeare
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Jack Boal, Scarlett Marshall, Jamal Hadjkura, James Calloway, Sean Micallef
Synopsis of Soundtrack to Sixteen (2020)
A coming of age story of a boy and girl growing up in London in the Noughties dealing with the everyday insecurities that make your world implode at sixteen.
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Well, Soundtrack to Sixteen (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Soundtrack to Sixteen (2020) itselft directed by Hillary Shakespeare and Starring by Jack Boal, Scarlett Marshall, Jamal Hadjkura, James Calloway, Sean Micallef which made Soundtrack to Sixteen (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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