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[4K-UHD] Andromeda Galaxy (2020) Full Movie

Movies Detail of Andromeda Galaxy (2020)

✓ Title : Andromeda Galaxy
✓ Original Title : Galaksija Andromeda
✓ Release Date : August 14th, 2020
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Director : More Raça
✓ Writer : More Raça
✓ Countries : France, Italy, Kosovo, Spain
✓ Cast : Mirsad Ferati, Shpëtim Kastrati, Juli Emiri, Don Raça, Fis Haliti, Aurita Agushi, Sunaj Raça, Avni Dalipi, Fisnik Istrefi, Elda Jashari

Synopsis of Andromeda Galaxy (2020)

Kosovo, 2019. Corruption and unemployment have made it impossible for Shpëtim to find a job. Things get more complicated when he has to take care of his daughter as well, and does not have a proper place to live. After many attempts to solve his situation, and experiencing repeated deceptions, Shpëtim decides to migrate to Germany illegally in his search for a better life.

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Well, Andromeda Galaxy (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Andromeda Galaxy (2020) itselft directed by More Raça and Starring by Mirsad Ferati, Shpëtim Kastrati, Juli Emiri, Don Raça, Fis Haliti, Aurita Agushi, Sunaj Raça, Avni Dalipi, Fisnik Istrefi, Elda Jashari which made Andromeda Galaxy (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Andromeda Galaxy (2020)

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