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Streaming~ Nightshift ~Full movie~Online~2020

Movies Detail of Nightshift (2020)

✓ Title : Nightshift
✓ Release Date : January 22nd, 2020
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Director : Yam Laranas
✓ Companies : Viva Films, Aliud Entertainment
✓ Country : Philippines
✓ Cast : Soliman Cruz, Mercedes Cabral, Michael De Mesa, Ruby Ruiz, Yam Concepcion, Caleb Santos, Irma Adlawan, Jeffrey Quizon

Synopsis of Nightshift (2020)

A young woman is stuck in the morgue - on her first day - working as an assistant to a pathologist when the dead begin to manifest signs of resurrection.

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Well, Nightshift (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Nightshift (2020) itselft directed by Yam Laranas and Starring by Soliman Cruz, Mercedes Cabral, Michael De Mesa, Ruby Ruiz, Yam Concepcion, Caleb Santos, Irma Adlawan, Jeffrey Quizon which made Nightshift (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Nightshift (2020)

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